Some of the people that I find interesting...
Arthur Hunnicutt
"The cheerful soldier" in The Red Badge of Courage.
Arthur "Guitar Boogie" Smith
Ayn Rand
Atlas Shrugged
Ben Johnson
Benjamin Franklin
Bigfoot Wallace
Billy Grahm
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Buddy Holly
Captain Windy
Charlton Heston
Chief Joseph
Christopher Columbus
Cigar Dave
The Cigar Dave Show
Clint Eastwood
Crazy Horse
King David
Dinesh D'Souza
Douglas B. Green
Ranger Doug
Douglas MacArthur
Ernest Borgnine
Fish Camp Barbie
Fred Kirby
Gene Autry
George Armstrong Custer
Battle of the Little Bighorn
George S. Patton, General
George Pickett, Maj. General
Pickett's Charge
(or, the "Pickett-Pettigrew-Trimble Assault").
George Washington
George Will
Hank Williams
Henry Ford
Hiroo Onoda
Isoroku Yamamoto, Admiral
James Madison
Jesse James
Jesus Christ
Joe Arpaio
America's toughest sheriff
John Coulter
John Wayne
Johnny Appleseed
Ken Hamblin
Kit Carson
Leif Ericson
Marco Polo
Marcus Luttrell
United States Navy Seal.
Lone Survivor
Margret Thatcher
Mark Twain
Matthew Brady
Selected Civil War Photographs
Matthew C. Perry
Meriwether Lewis
Michael Landon
Michael Martin Murphey
Michelle Malkin
Mike Rowe
Milton Friedman
Myron Floren
Neil Armstrong
Nikola Tesla
Patrick Henry
"Give me Liberty, or give me Death!"
Robert Duvall
Robert E. Lee
Ronald Reagan
Roy Rogers & Dale Evans
Sitting Bull
Stonewall Jackson, General
Thomas Edison
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Paine
Tom Landry
Tom Selleck
Tom Wolfe
Walt Disney
Walter E. Williams
William Clark
William of Ockham
Ockham's Razor
William F. Buckley, Jr.
William Wallace