- Education

- There are many thousands of
good teachers in the US, but the public education system has become
increasingly bad since the 60's. The recent No Child Left Behind
program is a failed national approach and Common Core will be
disasterous if implemented.
- No Common Core!
- Links:

The Cartel (The failure of
public educaation in the United States)
- Washington Policy Center,
May 2012
Why the Common Core is Bad for America
Works - Education Reform
Washington Free Beacon, October 6, 2014
Mike Rowe on Following Your Passion
- I've been carrying similar thoughts around for years. Having dreams is
great, and pursuing a good dream is fine, but not all "dreams" are
possible, and all dreams are not good. I've always thought that telling
a young person that they can be anything they want to be was a load of
feel-good rubbish. I like Mike Rowe's line - "Don’t follow your passion,
but always bring it with you.”
Top 10 Reasons to Oppose Common Core (Freedom Works)