December 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2013, Redmond, WA
From a window in Microsoft Studio A, toward the northeast and the Northern Cascade Mountains. The 3rd shot looks over Building 50...

Saturday, December 7, 2013, Redmond, WA
Studio A... the "Houston" office (3rd floor)...
From a window in Microsoft Studio A, a tad east of north, toward Mount Baker...
From a window in Microsoft Studio A, to the northeast, across the 520 FRWY, toward Building 50 and my old Camp eHome...

december_2013_010.jpg (621380 bytes) Sunday, December 15, 2013, Redmond, WA
Bigfoot, as seen from "Houston," my workspace in Studio A...

Wednesday, December 18, 2013
december_2013_011.jpg (589577 bytes) Bellevue, WA
Crossroads Café... my first plate of biscuits & gravy since August!
december_2013_009.jpg (342157 bytes) Downtown Bellevue as seen from the NE 8th St approach...
december_2013_012.jpg (367709 bytes) december_2013_013.jpg (338734 bytes) december_2013_014.jpg (338994 bytes) december_2013_015.jpg (427581 bytes) Redmond, WA
Sweet Jane's fingers and toes... first at Salon West Wind then Malay Satay Hut...

Friday, December 20, 2013, Redmond, WA
december_2013_016.jpg (499368 bytes) Did Santa visit Bigfoot early, with an Xbox One?
december_2013_019.jpg (717703 bytes) A slushy mess as I set off toward Studio A for work...
december_2013_020.jpg (606922 bytes) december_2013_021.jpg (640607 bytes) Walking to work...

december_2013_022.JPG (766895 bytes) Sunday, December 22, 2013, Redmond, WA
Studio A... toward the Houston room...

Tuesday, December 24, 2013
december_2013_023.jpg (471929 bytes) Kirkland, WA... Nancy with her new Xbox One...
december_2013_024.jpg (372039 bytes) december_2013_025.jpg (318435 bytes) In Redmond, WA at Salon West Wind with Sweet Jane and beautiful Kay Kay...
december_2013_026.jpg (622201 bytes) Redmond, WA... Studio A... in the Houston room with my workmates Shirley-Nita Adjei and Kathy Sun...
Ranger_Steve.jpg (68899 bytes) Redmond, WA... Studio A... at my place in the Houston room...

Wednesday, December 25, 2013... Christmas Day
Christmas_2013.jpg (865089 bytes)

Steve's 2013 Christmas Card...

december_2013_027.jpg (450402 bytes) Redmond, WA... A mid-day stop at Salon West Wind to visit with Sweet Jane and Kay Kay... Jane was giving Kay Kay a haircut lesson...
december_2013_028.jpg (523140 bytes) Redmond, WA... Studio A... in the Houston room, with Bigfoot parked outside. Christmas is a work day this year...
My Microsoft colleague / Collabera boss Bikash invited friends to his home on Christmas night...
december_2013_030.jpg (594428 bytes) The food was terrific!
december_2013_029.jpg (306730 bytes) Bikash's son Rishit is in the middle...
december_2013_033.jpg (451387 bytes) Bikash and his lovely wife Rinky...
december_2013_032.jpg (500251 bytes) They loaded me up with a take-out!

Thursday, December 26, 2013
My workmate Ken presented a demo on making a PVC pipe & bundle long bow...
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Materials List:
- 5' PVC pipe section
- Driveway markers (12, 18, 30, and 36 inch cut sections) for the internal bundles
- Nylon paracord
- Duct Tape
december_2013_048.jpg (322618 bytes) At the end of the demo Ken gave me the bow as an early birthday present! Ken is a first-rate survivalist...

Friday, December 27, 2013
december_2013_050.jpg (569562 bytes) Bellevue, WA
Captain Phil at Crossroads Starbucks...
december_2013_051.JPG (752824 bytes) Redmond, WA
My workmates Tsehay Yinesu and Shirley-Nita Adjei... and a visitor...
Priyanka.jpg (1112901 bytes) My workmate Priyanka and her husband Rajesh recently visited Lake Mead, in Nevada. I "enhanced" one of her photos...
kathy_family.jpg (6161421 bytes) My workmate Kathy (purple shirt) and her lovely family...
december_2013_052.jpg (491294 bytes) Saturday, December 28, 2013, Bellevue, WA
Biscuits & gravy at the Lil' Jon... The Lil' Jon has reopened after the recent fire...
december_2013_053.jpg (325304 bytes) Tuesday, December 31, 2013, Bellevue, WA
Happy Bai Tong New Year!