Rally Round The Troops, March 22, 2003
Downtown Bellevue, four to five thousand strong...
Unlike the recent excessively reported anti-war protests (which actually have very little to do with anything that might rightly be considered real peace), there was no obstruction of traffic, offensive behavior, or vandalism of any type at the Support The Troops Rally in Bellevue. Conversely, Seattle taxpayers have recently had to spend well over a million dollars to control the creeps, vandals, anarchists and hoodlums that make up a sizable percentage of the so-called "peace" protesters.
Remove Saddam!  Disarm Iraq!  Use my name!
Over the 520 Floating Bridge, from Bellevue to Seattle...
Green Lake Park in north Seattle...
Within the park there's a place that Hiromi calls "Bunny Hill"... a rocky slope and meadow, home to a lapine colony... scores of rabbits...
Proceeding on around the edge of Woodland Park Zoo...
Green Lake...