Saturday, July 2 Wandering around the Seattle waterfront... |
Pre-Fourth Of July barbecue at John and Jeannie's house on the Sammamish Plateau. Young John is a "grillist" among men... |
Around the table with John, Jeannie and Gertrude... |
Jeannie and Baby Josie... |
Friday, July 15 The view from Bigfoot at Camp Hypervisor - Day Camp... |
Tuesday, July 19 Greg, of Charlotte, was in Redmond on business and stopped by Camp Hypervisor bearing gifts from the southland... two jars of Duke's... |
Wednesday, July 20 Greg (still in Redmond on business) and John at Camp Hypervisor... |
Saturday, July 30 Fetching Nancy at her workplace on Seattle's Lake Union, then crossing Lake Washington on the 520 Floating Bridge... with a fine view of Mt. Rainier... |
Saturday, August 6 Breakfast with Nancy, in Bigfoot... |