Dallas, December 2-5, 1999
This was a little working trip down to Microsoft, Las Colinas...
The Kennedy Assassination Site
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The Dealey Plaza area...
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The former Texas School Book Depository, across the street from Dealey Plaza...
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Dealey Plaza...
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This landmark is a few feet away from the spot where JFK was hit...
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An "x" on the street marks the exact spot where JFK was shot. I stood on the "x" for this picture, looking toward Oswald's 6th Floor Window...
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Oswald's 6th Floor Window...
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This picture is taken from where the Zapruder film was taken, looking over the Grassy Knoll...
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The Grassy Knoll...

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Texas Stadium... home of the Dallas Cowboys...
Microsoft Las Colinas...
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Dallas, from the WestEnd...
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Jack Daniel's Pecan Pie from the Y.O. Ranch, in the WestEnd...
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The WestEnd...
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Sunset, as viewed from our room at the Clarion...
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The Fort Worth Stock Yards...
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Dinner at the H3 Ranch, with John...
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More of the Fort Worth Stock Yards...
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Filoni, the best bartender in Fort Worth...
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The Clarion...
The view from the Dallas/Fort Worth airport...
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Descending into Atlanta...
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Charlotte on the approach...