Chiyo's Friend Akiko Visits Charlotte, November 27, 1999
Chiyo's friend Akiko came to Charlotte for a Thanksgiving weekend visit. Chiyo had to make an unexpected trip back to Japan so I entertained Akiko for an afternoon. Akiko needed to shoot a few rolls of B&W film for her photography class back at a Mississippi university so we drove around taking pictures - me with my trusty Sony Mavica digital and Akiko with her 35mm.
Chiyo-Akiko.jpg (6603 bytes) At Chiyo's apartment... Chiyo on the left, Akiko on the right...
Queen's College...
QueensRd1.jpg (96855 bytes)  QueensRd2.jpg (95387 bytes)  Queens_College_Bell.jpg (79104 bytes)  QueensCat.jpg (67935 bytes)  Akiko_Queens.jpg (51268 bytes)
Akiko_Stanleyville.jpg (76569 bytes) In Stanleyville, on our way downtown...
boa.jpg (46447 bytes)  BOA_Reflection.jpg (46228 bytes)  Statue_Square.jpg (56087 bytes)  Akiko_Charlotte.jpg (35532 bytes)  City_West.jpg (55464 bytes)
Akiko_Charlotte3.jpg (54797 bytes)
Carolina Raptor Center...
eagle.jpg (52075 bytes)  eagles.jpg (52945 bytes)  Akiko_Raptor.jpg (77957 bytes)  Akiko_Raptor2.jpg (95813 bytes)  hawks.jpg (49846 bytes)
hawks3.jpg (38851 bytes)  hawks2.jpg (37832 bytes)  owls.jpg (39679 bytes)  raptor2.jpg (62739 bytes)  raptor3.jpg (59032 bytes)
MississippiKite.jpg (80510 bytes)  forest.jpg (97428 bytes)
Latta_Plantation2.jpg (86940 bytes) Latta_Ladies.jpg (47586 bytes) Latta Plantation...
Latta Park...
LakeHouses.jpg (39674 bytes)  LakeHouses2.jpg (37188 bytes)  Latta_Park.jpg (72156 bytes)  sunset1.jpg (71998 bytes)  sunset3.jpg (63533 bytes)